Welcome to the CADASIL website


Welcome to the CADASIL website; a resource for those diagnosed with CADASIL, their relatives and carers.  As CADASIL is a rare condition, little reliable information is available on the internet.  On this website we hope to be able to provide up-to-date and accurate information.  We hope that the website will expand over the coming months and years and would welcome input from patients and family members. In addition to providing useful information for CADASIL patients and relatives we also supply links to other websites where more information can be found.


The information on this website has been primarily provided by Professor Hugh Markus, Professor of Stroke Medicine at the University of Cambridge and Consultant Neurologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge and by Glen Brice, Genetic Counsellor from the Clinical Genetics Department at St George's Hospital, London. Together, we have been involved in caring for CADASIL sufferers and their families for many years and have a wide range of experience in dealing with the problems associated with the condition.


As with any medical condition, we do rely on hearing the experiences of patients and family members in order to develop new services which better cater to the needs of those affected. If you have any suggestions for improvement to the website or new sections which you think we should add, please do contact us. Feedback or suggestions can be submitted here





Annual Cambridge CADASIL Meeting 

Tuesday 11th March 2025


The annual Cambridge CADASIL meeting will return on Tuesday 11th March 2025 at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. As always, this event is free to attend but requires registration. You can register for the in-person event here.


If you are unable to join us in person we will also be streaming the event online. Online you will be able to watch all the talks and ask questions in the chat. Places for the online meeting are limited, so please do register to avoid disappointment! We plan to record the meeting and talks should be available to watch on our website afterwards. You can register for the online meeting here.


Programme and further details to be announced soon!






Cambridge CADASIL Mini Meeting - 18th November!


After the success of our first online mini CADASIL meeting online in July we hosted our second mini-meeting on Monday 18th November from 5pm until 7pm (UK time). 


Dr. Priya Varma kindly joined us to speak on cognitive and psychological symptoms in CADASIL and how to manage them. Following her talk Dr Varma answered questions from the audience and after a short break we had a more general Q&A. You can watch Dr Varma's talk below, and the Q&A is available here!





We have had a number of enquiries on this topic by our patients and families. Here is the best guidance we have for CADASIL patients wondering how it affects them. Having the CADASIL gene does not mean you are at high risk if you are well and do not have symptoms.  However if you have neurological complications of CADASIL such as stroke, disability, or dementia then you are at high risk. 

The Association of British Neurologists has provided some advice for patients with neurological disease, which applies to CADASIL and can be accessed here. They will continue to update it on their website via this link.


If you have questions we will always do our best to reply via the info CADASIL email (info@cambridgestroke.com).


With best wishes and we hope you do stay safe


The Cambridge CADASIL team



Participation in research

We would like to take the opportunity to remind you that anyone who is interested in participating in our research (either as a CADASIL patient or as a healthy volunteer) would be very welcome to get in touch. If you would like to sign-up to be contacted about research then please contact: mmh64@medschl.cam.ac.uk. For non-research related queries please email info@cambridgestroke.com